October 6, 2014

Monday.. We meet again!

Monday- MomDay okay well Mom days are literally everyday so that really doesn't make sense unless you really make it a day about you.

Let's make Monday's a little better and less dreadful. How? I kinda put a list together that made me even get all chipper and excited.

1. Get out of bed earlier.. Spend some time to yourself and enjoy that quiet time before the kiddos wake up. Have your coffee a little earlier and actually enjoy each sip. I tend to leave mine on the counter and come back for a few sips in between the time that my son is pulling my arm for help on something (which I don't mind at all!).

2. Shower, yeah I know it's become a luxury in my house to shower before noon while nap time is happening. I let fixing myself up even if there's no where to go. Feel good about yourself!

3. Mommy and Me- okay so you still have to take care of the mini's and throught the week I attend mommy and me classes they are so much fun for the littles and they get to burn some energy. Or you can take them to play dates at the park, etc.

4. Plan a dinner or an outing with some friends, starting off the week with something fun makes your week go by faster (I think anyway).

5. Leave the kiddos with the hubby and treat yourself to a mani/pedi. Us Mommy's deserve to look and feel our best even when we end up with pee, spit up, or food on our clothes by the end of the day.

6. Wear something new or just dress up! It doesn't have to be a special occasion to get all dolled up. It's Monday and you are alive and to top it off you have some sweet loving company and I'm sure those little faces will tell you that you look beautiful! Let's feel pretty!! 

There is always something to be thankful for on Mondays!

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